If you dump the planet, you dump the people." Workers and trade unions will not let this happen! Is there a catastrophic environmental situation in your community, country or region? Does this situation have horrific natural, social and economic consequences? If your answer is yes, REACT! Share your situation and experience with other workers around the world!
The ITUC is launching its "7 Horrors of the World" campaign on the seven worst environmental situations in the world. These situations are ones that have horrendous consequences on workers, communities and the environment at the global, regional and local level.
We need to work for a greener economy that respects both the people and the environment! It is time to tell your story and refuse to accept the environmental horrors of the world! Trade unions know that any harm to the planet is a threat to every worker in the world, and we will not ignore this!
The ITUC is launching a special environmental campaign, the "'7 Horrors of the World", to show the world how environmental degradation affects workers and how workers are willing to act for a just transition towards a greener economy. We need to improve the lives and livelihoods of workers all around the globe and make sure we can provide decent work opportunities.
Your submission on a horrific situation must show the impacts of unsustainable production on people and the environment.
Please send us all the information you have on your horror. An online vote will be organised to select the worst seven horrors of the world at the end of 2011. Nothing is too small or too big to be submitted as a candidate for the worst environmental horrors of the world. It can be devastating to a few people or to many.
The results will be presented in the World of Work Pavilion in Durban, South Africa, during the international climate change negotiations in December 2011.