The GoodElectronics network has a vision of a global electronics industry characterised by adherence to the highest international human rights and sustainability standards. Labour rights and environmental norms are protected and respected throughout the entire production cycle, from the mining of minerals used in electronics products, to the manufacturing phase, and the recycling and disposal of electronics waste, both on the level of companies’ own operations and in the value chain.
Governments and public authorities perform their role as legislator, monitor whether the industry respects human rights and sustainability standards, and enforce legal provisions. Public bodies in their capacity of institutional consumers engage in socially responsible procurement.
Brand companies, suppliers, subcontractors and other relevant actors along the supply chain, including shareholders, investors, retailers and resellers, respect human rights and sustainability standards in the global electronics sector. Brands and retailers are accountable and provide sufficient transparency for consumers to understand conditions in the electronics supply chain to make informed purchasing decisions.
Civil society stakeholders including trade unions, labour groups, environmental organisations and community groups, play their designated roles, both on the local, national and the international level.
The GoodElectronics network sees it as its mission to contribute to improving corporate and public policies and practices with regard to protecting and respecting human rights and the environment in the global electronics supply chain, with a specific focus on big brand companies.
GoodElectronics refers to the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework and its companion instrument the Guiding Principles on business and human rights (UNGP). According to this Framework states have a duty to protect against human rights abuses by third parties, including business enterprises. Businesses must respect human rights and address adverse human rights impacts that occur through their own activities or as a result or their business relationships with other parties. The Framework also stresses the need for victims of business related human rights abuses to effective remedy, through proper grievance mechanisms both judicial and non-judicial.
GoodElectronics is a strong advocate of binding government regulations regarding workers’ rights, corporate accountability, and environmental protection; as well as implementation thereof in line with internationally agreed human rights and sustainability standards, including strict enforcement of ILO labour conventions.
The GoodElectronics network sees a crucial role for civil society organisations in mobilising and informing workers on a grass roots level, monitoring and documenting corporate and governmental behaviour, and in participation in improvement efforts. Strong, independent trade unions should have a key role in social dialogue and collective bargaining, and in mature industrial relations between trade unions and employers. Training of workers concerning their rights and roles is of utmost importance.