On 26 June 2008, Acer announced that its application to become an Applicant Member of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) has been approved. In a press release Acer highlights the importance of a "structured social and employment endorsement".
In Acer's membership application letter to the EICC, the company's Senior Corporate VP and President of IT Products Global Operation, Jim Wong, noted that, “As a major global IT company, Acer is fully committed to the principles of corporate social responsibility. We believe you will agree that Acer’s commitment to CSR is in accord with the vision and goals of the EICC.” GoodElectronics sees the step taken by Acer as the fulfillment of its promise to adopt a code on conduct. This promise was made in July 2007, in response to the 2007 'High Tech - No Rights?' report by Bread for All and Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehavior. Bread for All welcomes Acer's step, understanding it as a sign that Acer acknowledges that bad working conditions do occur with the production of its computers. With the accession of Acer, the EICC membership currently stands at 38.