Impeachment of South Korean President Park justified by court

On Friday, South Korean President Park Guen-hye was removed from office after the country’s Constitutional Court upheld her impeachment. Park allegedly violated the constitution and broke the law by helping her confidante, Choi Soon-sil, take…

Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong indicted on bribery charges

Samsung Group chief Lee Jae-yong was indicted with bribery and embezzlement by South Korean prosecutors. On February 17th, Lee was arrested over his alleged role in the corruption scandal involving impeached President Park Guen-hye. Lee…

Samsung: modern technology, medieval labor practices

This week, Samsung’s modern face is on full display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where tech industry giants are gathering to unveil the latest smartphones, tablets and mobile technology. What they don’t show…

Top Samsung Group executives offer to resign

According to news agency Yonhap, two senior Samsung Group executives have offered to resign. They take responsibility in the involvement of the conglomerate in the corruption scandal that led to the arrest of Lee Jae-Yong…

Samsung Group chief Lee Jae-yong arrested

The chief of Samsung Group Jay Y. Lee is arrested over his alleged role in a corruption scandal at the highest levels of power in South Korea. Lee is accused of bribing a close friend…

Bribery scandal increases pressure on Samsung

The Nikkei Asian Review published special edition on Samsung as the pressure on the company turned up by the latest bribery scandal. Tax avoidance scandals and suspicions of bribery are not new to the company….

Chinese Samsung battery factory caught fire

A factory that made batteries for the explosion-prone Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones caught fire last week. Pictures of black smoke coming out of the plant were circulating on Weibo (the Chinese version of Twitter)….