The European Commission has published three Sector Guides on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. One Guide is for specifically for ICT companies, the other two for employment & recruitment agencies, and oil and gas companies respectively. The Guides were developed over the past 18 months through research and multistakeholder consultation with representatives from the three industries as well as governments, trade unions, civil society, academia and other experts. Members of GoodElectronics Network including IndustriALL Global Union, SOMO and Cafod gave input for the Guide for ICT Companies.
The Guides – for employment and recruitment agencies, ICT companies, and oil and gas companies – were developed over the past 18 months by Shift and IHRB through extensive research and multistakeholder consultation with representatives from the three industries as well as governments, trade unions, civil society, academia and other experts. Read more about the Guides’ development on the IHRB and Shift websites.
Each Guide
offers practical advice on how to implement the corporate responsibility to
respect human rights in day-to-day business operations in each industry through
step-by-step guidance. At each step, they summarise what the UN Guiding
Principles expect, offer a range of approaches and examples for how to put them
into practice, and link users to additional resources that can support their
work. They are intended to help companies “translate” respect for human rights
into their own systems and cultures. The Guides take particular account of the experience of EU companies, but aim to be as globally applicable as possible. The Guides are not intended to be legally binding.