The year 2009 is significant in many ways for the International Labour Organization (ILO). It is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the ILO, the 10th anniversary of its gender equality action plan and the year the International Labour Conference (ILC) will hold a general discussion on “Gender Equality at the Heart of Decent Work”. In the lead-up to this discussion, the ILO is launching a global campaign on gender equality and the world of work.


The year 2009 is significant in many ways for the International Labour Organization (ILO). It is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the ILO, the 10th anniversary of its gender equality action plan and the year the International Labour Conference (ILC) will hold a general discussion on “Gender Equality at the Heart of Decent Work”. In the lead-up to this discussion, the ILO is launching a global campaign on gender equality and the world of work.

Objectives of the campaign

  • increase general awareness and understanding of gender equality issues in the world of work;
  • highlight the specific linkages between gender equality and securing decent work for all women and men;
  • promote the ratification and application of key ILO gender equality labour standards; and
  • advocate the importance of overcoming existing barriers to gender equality as beneficial for all.

Twelve themes

The campaign is built around twelve Decent Work themes. These themes will be looked at through a gender lens, showing how various issues may affect women and men differently in their access to rights, employment, social protection and social dialogue. It is a one-year campaign, starting in June 2008 and ending in June 2009. The themes will be unveiled on this website throughout the year.