The Global Labour University has launched a free online course on Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy aimed at trade unionists and activists.
The Global Labour University has launched a free online course on Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy aimed at trade unionists and activists.
The six-week Massive Open Online Course begins on 1 June 2015 and will explain global workers’ rights as well as outline the instruments and strategies that can be used to implement them. Based on a mix of video lectures, readings, online resources and interviews with activists and labour scholars from around the world, participants will gain both knowledge and practical skills for furthering workers’ rights worldwide.
The course, which brings together labour expertise from around the world, has been jointly developed with Global Labour University’s partner institutions, the Bureau for Workers’ Activities of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and both national and global trade unions. Participants will gain an insight into the history and concept of global workers’ rights and the institutional structure of the ILO as the key player in setting International Labour Standards. They will also gain an understanding of the concepts behind the fundamental rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining.
The course will look at the different approaches for realizing decent work in the informal economy and gain an overview of instruments and initiatives beyond the ILO.
To find out more and how to enrol click here.
Watch a short trailer for an overview of the course.