High Tech für Niedriglohn: Neotayloristische Produktionsregimes in der IT-Industrie in Brasilien und Mexiko, or High Tech for a Modest Salary. Neo-Tayloristic production regimes in the IT industry in Brasil and Mexico. Phd Thesis by Martina Sproll. How is work in the factories of transnational production networks actually organized and how it is negotiated?

High Tech für Niedriglohn: Neotayloristische Produktionsregimes in der IT-Industrie in Brasilien und Mexiko, or High Tech for a Modest Salary. Neo-Tayloristic production regimes in the IT industry in Brasil and Mexico.
is work in the factories of transnational production networks actually organized and how it is negotiated? Despite all the discussion on globalization actually very little is known about the conditions under which men and women are working, and how the working conditions are negotiated locally. For her PhD thesis Martina Sproll examined work and employment conditions in contract manufacturing operations of the IT industry in Brazil and Mexico. She developed a working policy approach to analyse the neo-Tayloristic production regime and the genders dimension in transnational production networks. Sproll illuminates the tension between transnational integration and local negotiation processes.