This is the eighth consecutive year HP has reported its global citizenship performance, reflecting its "ongoing commitment to transparency". The HP Global Citizenship Report 2008 describes the company's policies, programs and performance as HP "strives to balance its business goals with its impacts on society and the planet".
This is the eighth consecutive year HP has reported its global citizenship performance, reflecting its "ongoing commitment to transparency". The HP Global Citizenship Report 2008describes the company's policies, programs and performance as HP "strives to balance its business goals with its impacts on society and the planet".
While HP's efforts may be laudable, critical remarks are not lacking. One remark by an organisation linked to GoodElectronics concerns the disappointing supplier disclosure list. Without country and address information such a list is virtually useless. In this respect the electronics sector as a whole is lagging behind - while in the garment and sportswear sectors, major brands such as Nike, Levi’s, Pategonia, adidas, Puma, Mountain Equipment Coop, etc. are slowly beginning to be provide more transparency.