A report published by the International Labor Organisation (ILO) outlines key challenges facing workers globally, as well as how these can be addressed to secure a brighter future for labour. The report aslo urges that with out decisive and urgent action by public and private actors, we face a future of growing inequalities and uncertainty.
Labour is facing a number of key challenges in the future, from automation, increasing focus on efficiency and greening of industry, as well as demographic changes – from ageing populations in some countries to rapid growth in young elsewhere.
Without changes to the way labour is organised and governed, these changes will put growing pressure on our society. As such the ILO outlines that:
“We need to seize the opportunities presented by these transformative changes to create a brighter future and deliver economic security, equal opportunity and social justice – and ultimately reinforce the fabric of our societies.”
Solutions require collective actions by governments, employers and workers organisations, who have the responsiblity for ensuring the human rights of all workers. However, solutions must go one step further, with an equitable, sustainable and human-centred approach to labour for the present and future generations of workers.
Read the full report by the ILO here.