IndustriALL’s fifth edition of Global Worker is out with a fresh new look. The magazine includes a new set of features, interviews and profiles on a range of different topics from a workers’ perspective.
IndustriALL’s fifth edition of Global Worker is out with a fresh new look. The magazine includes a new set of features, interviews and profiles on a range of different topics from a workers’ perspective.
After the industrial homicide at Soma claimed the lives of 301 Turkish coal miners in May 2014, a feature on Turkey’s mining industry exposes how privatization has had devastating consequences.
With the electronics industry being one of IndustriALL’s biggest sectors, an in-depth report examines how unions are organizing and fighting against precarious work in this booming sector.
Another Global Worker special report looks at industry bargaining as an essential tool in the struggle for living wages and the fight against inequality.
While global wealth is concentrated into fewer hands, the increasing inequality is also due to attacks against collective bargaining by corporations, right-wing politicians and international financial institutions. Company agreements offer less protection to a smaller group of workers,
says Jyrki Raina, IndustriALL’s general secretary.
This edition of Global Worker also includes a profile of the Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers of Hungary, (VDSZ) and an interview with Nigerian union leader Issa Aremu, whose union the National Union of Textile, Garment & Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTW) has had success organizing informal workers in Nigeria.
In January 2015, IndustriALL welcomed two trade unions from Myanmar as new affiliates. In a country where unions have only been legal since 2012, a report looks at how unions are working hard to organize workers and tackle precarious work in the country.
Also take look at IndustrALL’s interview with Barbara Figueroa, president of the Chilean trade union centre, CUT.
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