Laptop makers are making it more difficult or even impossible for users to replace the battery themselves. This is the conclusion of research by the Dutch consumers’ association Consumentenbond. In 2012, consumers were able to replace the batteries of 77 per cent of the available laptops, while this has decreased to 42 per cent in 2015.

Laptop makers are making it more difficult or even impossible for users to replace the battery themselves. This is the conclusion of research by the Dutch consumers’ association Consumentenbond. In 2012, consumers were able to replace the batteries of 77 per cent of the available laptops, while this has decreased to 42 per cent in 2015.

Consumentenbond tested over 600 different laptops, which showed some interesting results. Apple laptops got the lowest rating (3 out of 10), while Toshiba and Lenovo got the highest scores.


For the complete article (in Dutch), click here