It is in batteries, laptops and mobile phones: cobalt. Most cobalt is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo and frequently involves gross human rights violations. What is going wrong and who is responsible?
* April 19, 2016 * Humanity House, The Hague * Entrance is free of charge
* Doors open: 19:30 * Start program : 20:00 * language : English *
It is in batteries, laptops and mobile phones: cobalt. Most cobalt is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and frequently involves gross human rights violations. What is going wrong and who is responsible? Join this exciting and important debate with Congolese human rights activist Emmanuel Umpula Nkumba (African Resources Watch-Afrewatch), Fleur Scheele (researcher with SOMO), Dirk -Jan Koch (Special Envoy Natural Resources with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands) and Carla Neefs (Director Supplier Sustainability, Philips Lighting).
The debate will be moderated by Maite Vermeulen (De Correspondent). Organisation: Movies that Matter and GoodElectronics Network.
Register now (Dutch form), as there is a limited number of seats.
This debate is made possible by the financial support of the European Union