The Finnish makeITfair campaign is asking Nokia to become the trailblazer in developing ethical mobile phones. So far, over 5'000 people have put their signature under the petition which will handed over to Nokia on 13 November. Add yours too!
The manufacturing of consumer electronics creates many problems across the industry. Nokia is the largest mobile phone company in the world. We, the undersigned, want Nokia to take the lead in improving conditions in its supply chain. Nokia should:
- trace the minerals in its products to individual mines in conjunction with other manufacturers. Given that mineral trading contributes to the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nokia should use its influence to contribute towards bringing peace to the country;
- adopt an ethical code based on multi-stakeholder participation and external auditing through its supply chain, cooperate with the international free trade union movement and begin negotiations for a global framework agreement;
- provide full public disclosure of its supply chain.
You can sign the petition here.