A petition was launched about the important votes this week in Brussels on the ecodesign of energy-using products. This petition will show European decision-makers that it is urgent to adopt ambitious policies on major electrical appliances, including personal computers (desktops and laptops) and computer monitors.
Public mobilisation is important to balance the pressure from manufacturers. Out of sight of the public, EU nations' regulators are about to agree on a new set of standards. But vested industrial interests are pushing hard to water down the proposals. A big public outcry can still defeat the industry lobbyists, but time is short -- sign the petition below - it will be delivered this week to EU decision-makers in Brussels.Sign the petition now! The petition will be delivered to EU decision makers in a joint event with Friends of the Earth Europe and the Society for Nature and Environment, on Thursday March 12, 2009.
The website Towards Greener Products in Europe provides updates and practical information on the European Ecodesign policy process. This process launched in 2005 will progressively set mandatory legislation on the main products sold on the market to enhance their ecological performance. This policy has a tremendous potential to make products greener and more energy efficient, to cut CO2 emissions, reduce waste and limit the use of toxics.Visit the policy background section for a first introduction or for product specific technical studies concerning personal computers and computer monitors.