The Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI) launches a new series of Global Political Economy Briefs, starting with a Brief on ‘Ethical Audits and the Supply Chains of Global Corporations’. This new publication demonstrates that, despite increased ‘audits’ and inspections, labour abuses, poor working conditions and environmental degradation within global supply chains remain widespread.
The Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI) launches a new series of Global Political Economy Briefs, starting with a Brief on ‘Ethical Audits and the Supply Chains of Global Corporations’.
Incidents such as the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh in April 2013 and the exposé of slavery and human trafficking in the Thai shrimp industry in 2014 have focused attention on the supply chains of global corporations. The new Brief demonstrates that, despite increased ‘audits’ and inspections, labour abuses, poor working conditions and environmental degradation within global supply chains remain widespread. Ultimately, the Brief concludes that the auditing system for global supply chains is ‘working’ for corporations, but failing workers in developing countries and the planet.
You can find the Brief here.