In Fairphone's attempts to build a truly 'ethical' phone, they've forgotten one thing: the workers who assemble the phone have no legal right to join or form a trade union. Help support workers' rights.

Fairphone is a good idea - and a good phone.  I know because I own one.

But in the company's attempts to build a truly 'ethical' phone, they've forgotten one thing: the workers who assemble the phone have no legal right to join or form a trade union.

I've written about this before (see here, for example) and today we have a chance to send a very strong message to the company that they have to accept the idea that a truly 'fair' phone is made by union labour.

Fairphone has an initiative this week to design cases for the phone -- and they're asking people to submit their ideas.

Wouldn't it be amazing if thousands of trade unionists contacted them with the same message?  Here's the message: 

"This phone would be even fairer if it were made by a union member."

I've already proposed this.  Will you help me?

Go here and add your comments at the bottom of the page to support our idea.

(You will almost certainly need to create an account to join the discussion; but it's worth it.) If enough of us comment on this, Fairphone will have to listen.

And it's not about getting a case made; it's about making a case for workers' rights.

Thanks very much!

Eric Lee