The lead auditor course that Vérité conducts for EICC and GeSI provides participants with the 'competencies necessary to successfully perform EICC-GeSI labour & ethics VAP audits. The five-day workshop covers social systems auditing, investigative skills, management systems, validation and reporting and the EICC-GeSI audit process.'
The Lead Auditor course provides participants with the competencies necessary to successfully perform EICC-GeSI Labor & Ethics VAP audits. The highly interactive five-day workshop covers social systems auditing, investigative skills, management systems, validation and reporting and the EICC-GeSI Audit Process.
The course includes an on-line self-study module covering the background and context of the EICC-GeSI program, common labor issues, compliance and legal standards, and other knowledge content.
Successful completion of this course fulfills the training requirement of IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors) for certifying labor and ethics auditors to the EICC-GeSI auditing program.
Learning objectives
The course is designed to build auditing competencies to:
- Successfully conduct the Labor & Ethics component of an EICC-GeSI VAP Audit
- Gather information from management and workers that together provide an accurate picture of working conditions in an EICC supplier factory
- Collect and analyze information from factory documents on compensation, work hours and other employment practices
- Verify, triangulate and report critical findings and areas of concern
- Understand the root cause of common problems and the management systems that support durable solutions
- Discuss gaps and corrective action with management
The sessions are participatory and experiential, involving case analysis, exercises, role plays, peer sharing, and other activities that enhance adult learning.
The workshops are facilitated by expert trainers and former and current EICC auditors.
Bangkok, Thailand - March 8-12
Manila, Philippines - April 5-9
Shenzhen, China - April 26-30