Original question as formulated in the survey: Do the suppliers of EICC member companies provide full health and safety information to workers about all the materials used in production?
EICC self-score: 
EICC justifies this score by referring to the VAP Protocol C3.2 that states that workers who work with hazardous substances are provided adequate and effective training.
GoodElectronics and ICRT score: 
This question is explicitly about providing full health and safety information about all materials, because GoodElectronics and ICRT are concerned that efforts to train workers on ‘hazardous’ materials alone will only address the substances that are on lists of regulated materials. GoodElectronics and ICRT believe there are many chemicals that are actually hazardous, but that are not officially listed as such. There is nothing in the documentation that defines how a supplier will determine which substances are hazardous, and therefore, what will become the subject of training and information sharing.
The same comments also apply in regards to the audit guidance . The VAP Protocol document also provides no definitions or guidance on how to determine the adequacy or effectiveness of the training requirement, so there is no way to measure whether ‘due diligence’ is being carried out. The lack of effective and accurate means of verification (even when there is good language in the code) is a widespread problem.