Foxconn: prolonged protests and clear proposals

Trade unions, individual consumers, labour groups, campaign organisations, academics etc. from all over the world have joined in the protest to condemn the suicidal regime at Foxconn’s Chinese production sites and the still inadequate responses…

Moving away from bromine and chlorine

The report: “Greening Consumer Electronics: Moving Away from Bromine and Chlorine” features seven companies who have engineered environmental solutions that negate the need for most — or in some cases all — uses of brominated…

One in three laptops fail over three year

Warranty provider SquareTrade analysed failure rates for over 30,000 new laptop computers covered by SquareTrade Laptop Warranty plans and found that one-third of all laptops will fail within 3 years. Lap tops of nine brands…

‘Our bosses are deaf and blind’, says Wintek worker

Since December 2008, Chinese and Taiwanese trade unions and labour groups are protesting ongoing labour issues at Wintek facilities in Taiwan, and in China. The complaints range from unlawful dismissals, forced unpaid leave, strike busting,…

Apple succesfully challenged on laggard climate policies

Apple Inc. has dramatically improved its climate change reporting as requested by As You Sow in a shareholder proposal voted on by Apple shareholders last February. On Sept. 24, Apple released more extensive data about…

Apple Challenged on Laggard Climate Policies

As You Sow challenged Apple Inc. to match the performance of its peers in a shareholder proposal presented at its annual meeting in May. HP, Dell, IBM and Intel have made public commitments to greenhouse…