Presseaussendung Soziale Verantwortung statt Cut & Run-Strategie bei Apple!

Apple distanziert sich von seinem langgedienten Zulieferer Foxconn. Sein günstiges iPhone wird das Unternehmen beim Foxconn-Konkurrenten Pegatron anfertigen lassen. Doch nicht die Medienaufmerksamkeit nach drei weiteren Selbstmorden bei Foxconn hat den IT-Giganten zum Umdenken bewegt,…

FLA verifies ongoing progress at Apple supplier Foxconn

FLA has published a report outlining ongoing efforts by Apple’s largest supplier, Foxconn, to implement the 15-month action plan developed following FLA’s original investigation of three facilities in early 2012. Since FLA’s last verification in…

Promise from Foxconn on democratic union is broken

A recent report conducted by a group of scholars and students from China and Hong Kong reveals that the high enrolment rate of Foxconn union is just window-dressing. The world’s biggest factory empire has never…

SACOM Leaflet: Apple Products Made In Sweatshops

SACOM (Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior) is an NGO advocating for labor rights in China. SACOM conducts first-hand research to monitor corporate labor practices in supply chains of multi-national corporations such as Apple, and…