Clean up HP

Sometimes companies need to be reminded of their environmental commitments–like HP’s 2007 promise to stop putting toxic chemicals in their computer products. That’s why Greenpeace activists climbed to the top of HP’s global headquarters in…

HP/EDS management cannot muzzle workers’ representatives

UNI-Europa and EMF members in HP/EDS are extremely concerned about the management’s attempt to take advantage of the current crisis to undertake off-shoring to low-cost countries. In a joint press release dated 15 July 2009,…

Dell publishes list of suppliers

Dell publishes a list of its suppliers, following in the footsteps of Hewlett Packard and Fujitsu.Dell has just published a list of its suppliers, following in the footsteps of Hewlett Packard and Fujitsu. Dell is…

HP Global Citizenship Report 2008

This is the eighth consecutive year HP has reported its global citizenship performance, reflecting its “ongoing commitment to transparency”. The HP Global Citizenship Report 2008 describes the company’s policies, programs and performance as HP “strives…

Apple Challenged on Laggard Climate Policies

As You Sow challenged Apple Inc. to match the performance of its peers in a shareholder proposal presented at its annual meeting in May. HP, Dell, IBM and Intel have made public commitments to greenhouse…

Meagre improvement labour issues computer industry

In 2004 SOMO started researching labour issues in the supply chains of computer companies. This resulted in different reports, company profiles, the launce of the makeITfair campaign and extensive consultation with the computer industry. Now…