In May 2020 GoodElectronics partner AfreWatch published a report detailing issues and recommendations pertaining to artisanal mining. Generated through a two-day workshop held in Kolwezi, DRC, the report focuses on three key themes: 1. Artisinal Exploitation Zones (ZEAs) and cooperatives; 2. children’s rights and working conditions for women; and 3. conflict management between mining companies and communities.

The report provides a detailed overview of issues within each theme as well as extensive recommendations for how to move forward. Some issues highlighted include the lack of enforcement of existing regulations; increased poverty surrounding sites of extraction; and failure of mining companies to relocate impacted communities.
Recommendations include appropriate government enforcement and regulation; government facilitation of the diversification of local economies around sites of extraction; and numerous recommendations for how the government can support the development of cooperatives, in addition to many others.
Click here to read the full report and here to view AfreWatch’s announcement of it.