Apple: Pay the taxes you’ve been dodging!

After an exhaustive investigation, the European Commission found that Ireland’s tax arrangements with Apple are illegal and that it owes the Irish government €13 billion. But that’s not even the half of it. Apple has…

Apple must pay up to €13 billion in back taxes to Ireland

The European Commission has ruled that Ireland has illegally aided Apple with a favourable tax arrangement between 2003 and 2014. Apple has now been ordered to pay back 13 billion euros plus interest. Through Ireland’s…

publication cover - The Poisonous Pearl

The Poisonous Pearl

Occupational chemical poisoning in the electronics industry in the Pearl River Delta, People’s Republic of China
publication cover - The Poisonous Pearl

Phone companies release too many new models, say consumers

A survey commissioned by Greenpeace shows that the majority of consumers think that phone manufacturers release too many new models. Almost half said that they agreed that companies should take more responsibility to support recycling….

20 ICT firms ranked on supply chain forced labour

KnowTheChain released its first ranking of ICT companies with regard to their efforts in mitigating forced labour in their supply chains. For the twenty global ICT companies that were evaluated by KnowTheChain, the average score was…

Most electronic gadgets are not designed for recycling

Consumer demand for small devices has helped create a system where products are recycled via shredding, which is very much what it sounds like. Gadgets are essentially pulverized down to their smallest bits, after which…