publication cover - The Poisonous Pearl

The Poisonous Pearl

Occupational chemical poisoning in the electronics industry in the Pearl River Delta, People’s Republic of China
publication cover - The Poisonous Pearl

Phone companies release too many new models, say consumers

A survey commissioned by Greenpeace shows that the majority of consumers think that phone manufacturers release too many new models. Almost half said that they agreed that companies should take more responsibility to support recycling….

Global labor leader criticizes Samsung for No Union policy

The Samsung conglomerate has medieval working conditions behind modern technology, Sharan Burrow, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, summed up in her Huffington Post blog on 10 August, as she criticized the world’s largest technology company and…

SHARPS’s Sit-in Marks the 300th Day

As of 1 August 2016, SHARPS has marked the 300th day of a sit-in that the advocacy group began on 7 October 2015, after Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. walked out of negotiations with them and imposed…

20 ICT firms ranked on supply chain forced labour

KnowTheChain released its first ranking of ICT companies with regard to their efforts in mitigating forced labour in their supply chains. For the twenty global ICT companies that were evaluated by KnowTheChain, the average score was…

SHARPS keeps keen eye on Samsung’s ombudsman committee

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. June 8 launched an Ombudsman Committee on Leukemia of Samsung, (Ombudsman), an external monitoring structure agreed to by SHARPS in January 2016. Three Years The ombudsman currently seats labor law professor…