Chinese interns used as cheap labour at assembly lines

Companies like Foxconn and Honda are increasingly depending on interns as cheap workforce. Interns do the same work as regular employees, but are paid lower wages and receive less social security and welfare benefits. Because…

Chipmaker Qualcomm is suing four Apple suppliers

Qualcomm is suing four Apple suppliers for breach of contract for refusing to pay royalties. The four Apple suppliers are Foxconn, Pegatron, Wistron and Compal. Apple instructed the four manufacturers not to pay royalties. Apple…

The limits of corporate self-regulation in protecting workers rights

In response to Apple’s 10th Supplier Responsibility Progress Report in 2016, Dr. Jenny Chan shows the limits of corporate self-regulation in China and highlights the responsibility of governments, corporations, unions and public consumers in protecting…

Apple stopped buying cobalt from artisanal mines in Congo