High Tech Misery in China

Today, the National Labor Committee (NLC) is releasing a 60-page report, High Tech Misery in China, documenting the grueling hours, low wages and draconian disciplinary measures at the Meitai factory in southern China. The 2,000…

“The Dark Side of Cyberspace”

The non-governmental organisations WEED and SACOM are today publishing the study “The Dark Side of Cyberspace – Inside the Sweatshops of China’s Hardware Production”. The study is based on 45 interviews conducted with employees of…

Dell pre-announces disclosure of suppliers by mid-2009

Priding itself upon its transparency, computer giant Dell is pre-annoucing that by mid 2009 it will disclose 95% of its suppliers in the next next corporate responsibility report.As Dell puts it, disclosing a list of…

Dell Stakeholder Forum, September 12, Berlin

September 12, 2008, Dell is organising a Stakeholder Forum in Berlin, Germany. The dialogue is timed to coincide with the Electronics Goes Green conference also taking place in Berlin the same week.Dell presents this forum…

Dell, the manufacturing of sweatshop computers

SACOM report: labour conditions and outsourcing in electronics industry.Poor labour conditions contradict the self-proclaimed clean and progressive image of the information industry. Inside the spacious and modern-looking factory buildings, production sites and systems are no…